Nine Arches Press recognise that the challenges presented by climate change and environmental damage require action by everyone and by meaningful commitments to more environmentally-friendly practices by every business and organisation. Those of us in creative industries have a duty to act to reduce our environmental impact, and in doing so lead by example and encourage others to take action.
We have the following Environmental Objectives:
1. Aim to recycle a target of 70% of our office waste
2. Fully utilise sustainable transport and ensure a target of 70% of our travel is by public transport
3. Minimise material waste and environmental impact in printing, distributing and marketing our publications and events
4. Use digital and printing technology to reduce our Environmental Impact
5. Lead by example and encourage awareness of best environmental practices with employees, artists, audiences and participants.
This policy has been developed by focusing on our key areas of activity and reviewing them in order to identify where we can minimise our environmental impacts. It has been informed and structured with information from Julie’s Bicycle as part of our Arts Council England NPO status.
To find our more, please download the PDF of our Environmental Action Plan here.